Day 1

I am currently at Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco. The weather is amazing, sunny with a nice breeze. I’m wearing my Arsenal jersey as well, so I’m feeling rather chilly. I am also listening to some Tupac, Troublesome 96′, and am laying down and relaxing.

I am doing a lot of people watching as well. Everyone is minding their own business, and taking in the day, in their own way. Some people are reading, some are writing, some are listening to music, some are smoking weed, but everyone is calm. I’m actually the only one with a laptop in the park. As I’m looking around right myself this very minute, not one person has a laptop but me.

I really like the bay area vibe. Everyone is finding their muse, and enjoying themselves.

It may be time for me to eat soon. Earlier I went to eat at a place that quickly became my favorite place to eat in SF. Onigilly, pronounced [Oh-KNEE-Ghee-Lee], is the name of the place, and they serve gourmet rice balls. They use brown rice, and stuff it with anything from lemon crab to cajun shrimp, which happened to me my favorites. I’ve already been here twice in the past 3 days, but I can’t wait to come back tomorrow!

Anyways, I’m going to get back to enjoying the day. I listened to a Tim Ferriss podcast episode with Robert Rodriguez. I didn’t know Robert before that interview, but he said some things that stuck with me. He said that we wrote down what he did every single day. He has record of what he did every single day, for over 20 years ago.

That blows my mind. He also said that some things that he thought influenced him over course of a couple months, actually happened within a weekend. Hearing this has driven me to start writing as often as I can.

Mostly about what I’m thinking about at that time, or what happened to me that day.

I want to be able to look back on this blog 10 years down the line, and be able to read what I was thinking about, at that moment in time. I want to be be able to relive that moment whenever I want.

I will try to stay disciplined as possible, and write something everyday.

That’s enough for today.

Until next time.